Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Las Vegas, Nevada

Las Vegas is the ultimate playground for adults in America. With the Las Vegas strip ranging over 4.2 miles long, you can stop at every hotel, have a meal, and walk it off without gaining a pound. People choose to visit Las Vegas for many different reasons. Some love to gamble, some choose to watch the shows, while other blow ridiculous amounts of money in all of the high end stores. I choose to go for the food. To me Las Vegas is a metropolis of restaurants made to cater to every craving, never lacking one ounce of creativity in the making. Sure you can get a prime rib dinner for $12.99 or an unlimited buffet for $40 per person, but nothing beats the restaurants that carry the same theme as the hotels. They tend to be pricier, but if you can’t fly out to Paris, the brunch at Mon Ami Gabi is just as good as any cafĂ© across from the Notre Dame. The crepes in the halls along the casino are superb as well!

At the Cosmopolitan Hotel, you can find a burger joint, which is much fancier than just a joint, called Holsteins. Here they have almost any burger you can imagine, with dressings you couldn’t dream of. If your hamburger and fries don’t put you in a food coma, I recommend ordering one of their milkshakes, made with different alcohols to match, that will keep your buzz going as you venture through the casino walking off your food coma.

There are simply so many sights to see when you visit Las Vegas that the ample amounts of walking you do continually create an appetite. Why not curb your hunger with an everything pretzel from the New York, New York hotel, with a side of mustard, of course. If you choose to go see a show, a bucket of lightly salted, freshly popped corn will do, just make sure not to chew during the silent dramatic parts, trust me, people will be staring at you! If you’re in the mood to ditch the food, and instead choose to drinks, at almost any hotel or resort you can find a Fat Tuesday that sells yard drinks. You can have unlimited amounts of shots added to it in almost any tropical flavor you can think of. Why not have a beach drink while walking through Venetian channels listening to the men singing while operating a gondola.

Las Vegas was truly created to appease almost every sense. The sights are breathtaking. The Casino’s pump fresh oxygen to keep their gamblers awake, but to also down play on the heavy smoking they do. If you go to the New York, New York hotel you can definitely smell fresh apple mixed into the oxygen. With almost every step you take there is a new restaurant to try. Entertainers are always playing at one of the large venues. Currently Shania Twain is performing at Ceaser’s Palace and starting January 14th, Donnie and Marie will be playing at the Flamingo hotel. How can we forget the fifth sense, touch? You can run your fingers over plush fur coats, soft suede boots, and not to mention a set of lucky dice. Your feet may hurt after a long night of walking in high heels, and the hangover may not feel so good, but most of the time, any money spent in Las Vegas is money well spent.


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